My projects
Daily Diet API
GPL-3.0 License Daily Diet is a challenge from Rocketseat to implement the back-end of a meal registration application, where the user can mark what they consumed during the day and their commitment to the diet
- APINode.jsFastifyKnex.jsSQLiteRocketseat
Minimax Algorithm
MIT License Implementing the minimax algorithm in C
MIT License is a participant management application for in-person events. This tool allows organizers to register an event and open a public registration page. Registered participants can issue a credential for check-in on the day of the event. The system will scan the participant's credential to allow entry to the event.
- APINode.jsTypescriptFastifyPrisma ORMPostgreSQLDayjsZod
Remote Classes
MIT License Remote classes is my first code. With the adoption of distance learning, I built a web application, learning JavaScript, to organize and centralize access to classes in a simple and fast way. Thus, it was enough to access it and be directed to the class that was happening at that moment.
- TypescriptReact.jsNext.jsTailwindCSSDayjsFastifyPrisma ORMMySQLZod
Real Time Voting API
MIT License Voting app API built with Rocketseat at NLW Expert 2024
- APINode.jsWeb SocketsPrismaRedisPostgreSQLRocketseat
Closed source Send-to is a service for sending and receiving links and texts between platforms quickly and without the need to log in
- Node.jsFastifyPrismaPostgreSQLTypescript
Movie Recommender API
MIT License Implementing GA for a movie recommender API
- AIPythonAPIUnit